c# - jquery ajax data result dont show -

my js file below;

$('#detailmaxguest').change(function () {      var result = $('#detailmaxguest option:selected').val();     $('#detailmaxguest option:selected').val(result).attr('selected', 'selected');     var resultparse = parseint(result);     var resultid = $('#resultid').val();     var datebegin = $('#detaildatepicker').val();     var dateend = $('#detaildatepickerend').val();     var price = $('#detailrates option:first').val();     var resultm = $('#detailmaxguest option:selected').val();     if (resultm != "select one") {         kisi = parseint(resultm);     } else {         kisi = null;     }     var message = {         'resultid': resultid,         'data': resultparse,         'datebegin': datebegin,         'dateend': dateend,         'price': price     };     $("#loadingimage").show();     $.ajax({          type: 'get',         url: '/product/getmaxguest',         data: message,         datatype: 'json',         success: function (data) {             if (data.error) {                  $("#loadingimage").hide();                 $('#reservation-result').html(data.msg).fadein(2000);                 $('#btn_reservation').hide();                 $('#btn_liste').show();                 } if (data.success) {                 $("#loadingimage").hide();                 if (kisi != null) {                     $('#pricedetails').show();                 } else {                     $('#pricedetails').hide();                 }                 $('#lbltotalprice').html(data.toplam).fadein(2000);                 $('#lbldeposit').html(data.deposit).fadein(2000);                 $('#lbltotal').html(data.totalsum).fadein(2000);                 $('#btn_reservation').show();                 $('#btn_liste').hide();              }         },         complete: function () {             $('#reservation-result').fadeout(5000);         }       });  }); 

and controller return message;

deposit: "100 $" msg: "" success: true toplam: "1.220 $" totalsum: "1.320 $"

but cant see data on page. js working cant see datas.

my razor;

<div id="reservation-result" style="width: 100%; height: 80px; display: inline-block; text-align: left; font-size:12px; font-weight: bold; color:brown;">                                 <table id="pricedetails" style="display: none;">                                     <tr>                                         <td style="width: 75%;">toplam fiyat</td>                                         <td style="width: 25%; text-align: right;"><div id="totalprice">@html.label("lbltotalprice",new{id="lbltotalprice", name="totalprice"})</div></td>                                      </tr>                                     <tr>                                         <td>depozito</td>                                         <td style="width: 25%; text-align: right;">                                             <div id="deposit">@html.label("deposit",new{id="lbldeposit", name="deposit"})</div>                                         </td>                                     </tr>                                     <tr>                                         <td>genel toplam</td>                                         <td style="width: 25%; text-align: right;">                                             <div id="total">@html.label("total",new{id="lbltotal", name="grandtotal"})</div>                                         </td>                                     </tr>                                 </table>                                 <div id="loadingimage" style="display: none;">                                     <img src="@url.content("~/content/images/prettyphoto/dark_rounded/loader.gif")" alt="loading"/>                                 </div>                             </div>                         <input id="btn_reservation" class="gradient-button center" type="submit" style="width: 230px;" value="rezervasyon yap" />          }                         <input id="btn_liste" class="gradient-button center" type="submit" style="width: 230px; display: none;" value="listeye dön" /> 

please helpppp :) lot.

in code see statement:

if (data.error) { 

should not be:

if (!data.error) { 


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