c# - How to enumerate through Autocad Entities without using Autocad.Interop? -
i'd enumerate entities in autocad drawing, not using autocad.interop
with interop pick:
iacadapplication app = (iacadapplication)application.acadapplication; iacaddocument doc = app.activedocument; foreach (iacadentity ent in doc.modelspace) // or paperspace, or iacadblock
but object arx
references can find tutorials entities using transactions in database, taking objects id. think that's boring stuff slow down works.
that's way it. have either interop code, or fashion of objectid iteration.
here's article dev network: http://adndevblog.typepad.com/autocad/2012/05/whats-the-best-way-to-iterate-through-an-entire-database.html
if going work c#, recommend biting bullet, , moving on use transactions , such, there no way around it.
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