postgresql - Using concat() function, is specific cases -
i need concatenate regexp pattern pieces, pattern, use c-style escape e
if use concatenation operator ||
, works:
does not make sense, interes, how concatenate same, using concat()
function ?
the misunderstanding this: c-style escapes way input string literals. when concatenate strings, ||
operator or concat()
function (postgres 9.1+), method how individual strings input irrelevant.
in addition that, literals of other types (like numeric constant 2
in example) coerced text
on top of that, example not exhibit characters special meaning in escape strings (like \
select e'a{' || 2 || '}'; select concat(e'a{', 2, '}');
so, e
totally irrelevant in particular example.
since mention regexp patterns: tend have \
in them, have escaped \
in e''
select e'\\.' || 2 || '\.';
the modern way not use escape strings @ if not necessary. that's why postgres switched standard_conforming_strings = on
postgresql 9.1. setting tested with.
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