iphone - Calabash, Detect UIButton pressed state -
i want know there way detect uibutton state calabash/ruby.
ex. imagine have iphone app contains view round rect uibutton. button hold state(if pressed it, on pressed state until pressed again). want know how verify state of button calabash test
given go home screen should see "name" button pressed
seems found way it. ruby step functions is
then /^i should see "([^\"]*)" pressed$/ |text| state = query("button marked:'#{text}'", :isselected)[0] state = state.to_i if state!=1 screenshot_and_raise "current state not pressed button: #{text}" end sleep(step_pause) end
which goes steps.rb file
and in calabash feature file can call it
then should see "namebtn" pressed
if found improvements please add. thanks
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