javascript - Whats a simple way to get a text input Alertdialog box on an Android -
i want password. simple text input dialog box. simple way this?
in iphone creates this.
style : ti.ui.iphone.alertdialogstyle.secure_text_input
but in android how can thi??
currently appcelerator not provide such facility. can in simple way using view, textfield , button follows
var vwalert = ti.ui.createview({ backgroundcolor : '#311919', width : '90%', height : '40%', layout : 'vertical', borderradius: 5 }); var lblmessage = ti.ui.createlabel({ text : 'alert', top : 10, color : 'white', font : {fontweight : 'bold', fontsize : '16'} }); var textfield = ti.ui.createtextfield({ width : '90%', top : '20', passwordmask: true, hinttext : 'enter text here', borderstyle : ti.ui.input_borderstyle_rounded, returnkeytype : ti.ui.returnkey_return, maxlength : 70 }); var btnok = ti.ui.createbutton({ title : 'ok', width : '43%', top : '25', font : {fontweight : 'bold', fontsize : '16'} }); vwalert.add(lblmessage); vwalert.add(textfield); vwalert.add(btnok);
the above view alert dialog box since it's customized one. trick :)
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