In Powershell -- Export object to textfile in custom format -

since, beginner, 've no hands-on powershell programming.although had script developed insert data array csv file follows:

#following array $inventoryreport = new-object -typename psobject -property @{                         computername = "1mycomputername"                         domainname = "2mycomputerdomain"                         manufacturer = "3mycomputermanufacturer" }  #now export data csv, using following: $inventoryreport |select-object -property computername, domainname, manufacturer | export-csv -path "c:\abc.csv" -notypeinformation -erroraction stop  #this works fine 

and output of above :

"computername","domainname","manufacturer" "1mycomputername","2mycomputerdomain","3mycomputermanufacturer"

.... now, don't want , want ouput appear in columnar fashion i.e.

"computername","1mycomputername" "domainname","2mycomputerdomain" "manufacturer","3mycomputermanufacturer" 

what code changes should done achieve this. ?

either want csv, have, or want custom txt-file. if want latter, try this:

$comp = gwmi win32_computersystem  @" "computername","$($" "domainname","$($comp.domain)" "manufacturer","$($comp.manufacturer)" "@ | out-file test.txt 

sample of test.txt output below. i've got non-domain, custom built pc, don't worry values.

"computername","graimer-pc" "domainname","workgroup" "manufacturer","system manufacturer" 

edit suggest learn csv is. remember csv not fileformat, it's formatting-style used in normal textfile. .csv extension cosmetic let people know textfile uses csv-style. check out wikipedia , technet

in csv file, each object represented comma-separated list of property values of object. property values converted strings (by using tostring() method of object), represented name of property value. export-csv not export methods of object.

the format of exported file follows:

-- first line of csv file contains string '#type ' followed qualified name of object, such #type system.diagnostics.process. suppress line, use notypeinformation parameter.

-- next line of csv file represents column headers. contains comma-separated list of names of properties of first object.

-- additional lines of file consist of comma-separated lists of property values of each object.


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