replacing anchor text with jquery -

i have tried using html() , text() try change text of anchor - cant work :(

here fiddle show -

      $('#contact-form-send').bind('click',function(e) {           e.preventdefault();            $(".button").text('logging in...');           $("#mess").delay(2000).fadein(400);           $("#mess").html('<p class="message">username/password not match. please contact our office assistance</p>');            $(".button").text("submit");          $("#mess").delay(2000).fadeout(400);     }); 


you using .delay() lines following doesnt catch delay, need code when fadein done, write .fadein() code :

      $("#mess").delay(2000).fadein(400, function(){           $("#mess").html('<p class="message">username/password not match. please contact our office assistance</p>');            $(".button").text("submit");          $("#mess").delay(2000).fadeout(400);        });    

fiddle :


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