c# - I set the namespace but I I don't get the correct xml -
i have following code:
xnamespace xsins = xnamespace.get("http://www.w3.org/2001/xmlschema-instance"); xnamespace ns = xnamespace.get("http://xyz.com/2006/"); xdocument doc = new xdocument( new xdeclaration("1.0", "utf-8", null), new xelement(ns + "node", new xattribute(xnamespace.xmlns + "xsi", xsins), new xattribute(xsins + "schemalocation", "http://aaa.com/bbb.xsd") )); xelement newelement = new xelement(ns + "principalnode", new xattribute(ns + "attributte01", "value attributte01"), new xattribute(ns + "attributte02", "value attributte02"), new xelement(ns + "subnode01", " value subnode01"), new xelement(ns + "subnode02", " value subnode02")); doc.root.add(newelement);
but result is:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <node xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/xmlschema-instance" xsi:schemalocation="http://aaa.com/bbb.xsd" xmlns="http://aaa.com/bbb"> <principalnode p3:attributte01="value attributte01" p3:attributte02="value attributte02" xmlns:p3="http://aaa.com/bbb"> <p3:subnode01> value subnode01</p3:subnode01> <p3:subnode02> value subnode02</p3:subnode02> </principalnode> </node>
i xmlns:p3 , p3.
well, problem use "ns" in attributes , need use in xelement, no in xattribute.
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