php - PHPExcel memory still exhausted even with cell caching - other solutions -
<b>fatal error</b>: allowed memory size of 134217728 bytes exhausted (tried allocate 78 bytes) in <b>/var/www/leanne/api/classes/phpexcel/cachedobjectstorage/phptemp.php</b> on line <b>66</b><br />
i asked this question few days ago , advised change code , use cell caching. while have changed code , attempted use cell caching, still getting memory error. desperate find solution this.
can advise on caching method best writing excel files ranging between 1 100,000 rows of data? if cell caching doesn't work, may need use solution allows me append xls file in same way csv version.
an example of current code below:
if ($count_prods > 0) { $format = strtolower($export_data['output']); $temp_file_location = '../temp/exports/products/'; $filename = 'data_' + $shop->id . '_' . $export_id . '_test'; $separator = ','; $endrow = "\n"; $fh = fopen($temp_file_location . $filename . '.csv', 'a'); /*$cachemethod = phpexcel_cachedobjectstoragefactory:: cache_to_phptemp; $cachesettings = array( ' memorycachesize ' => '8mb'); phpexcel_settings::setcachestoragemethod($cachemethod, $cachesettings);*/ $cachemethod = phpexcel_cachedobjectstoragefactory:: cache_to_sqlite; phpexcel_settings::setcachestoragemethod($cachemethod); $objphpexcel = new phpexcel(); $rowid = 2; $counter = 1; ($i = 0; $i < $count_prods; $i += $batchlimit) { $csv = ''; $limit = $batchlimit * $counter; $start = $i + 1; $productdata = $productexport->getproductdata($start, $limit); if ($counter == 1) { //get column names if ($format == 'csv') { $column_titles = implode(',', $productexport->product_fields); $column_no = count($column_titles); $csv = $column_titles . $endrow; } else { $objphpexcel->getactivesheet()->fromarray($productexport->product_fields, null, 'a1'); } } //loop through data export array foreach ($productdata $product_id => $product_details) { $columnid = 'a'; foreach ($product_details $key => $value) { if ($format == 'csv') { $csv .= '"' . str_replace('"', '\'', $product_details[$key]) . '"' . $separator; } else { $objphpexcel->getactivesheet()->setcellvalue($columnid . $rowid, $product_details[$key]); } $columnid++; } if ($format == 'csv') { $csv = rtrim($csv, $separator); $csv .= $endrow; } $rowid++; } if ($format == 'csv') { fwrite($fh, $csv); $csv = ''; } $counter++; } if ($format == 'csv') { fclose($fh); } //if xls file if ($format == 'xls') { //$objphpexcel = $objreader->load($temp_file_location . $filename . '.csv'); // $objwriter = phpexcel_iofactory::createwriter($objphpexcel, 'excel5'); //$objwriter->save($temp_file_location . $filename . '.xls'); $objwriter = new phpexcel_writer_excel2007($objphpexcel); $objwriter->save($temp_file_location . $filename . '.xlsx'); }
you increase memory , time allocated script using:
ini_set('memory_limit', '2048m'); set_time_limit('1200');
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