yeoman - Integrating the MobileServiceClient with AngularJS -

i'm trying use windowsazure.mobileserviceclient within angular single sign on , crud operations. being angular noob, i'm trying figure out best way this:

  • instantiate in $rootscope in .run , call functions there?
  • create service or factory , make instantiation of mobileserviceclient , of function calls in that? currentuser , other information lost when service/factory isn't being used?
  • just spool mobileserviceclient in controllers need it? seems me if way, currentuser info lost?

i've tried using of above methods i'm running problems:

  • calling login method shown in azure docs works, other times doesn't show popup window authentication provider should. logged off of authentication provider popup window should shown isn't,
  • no matter try do, mobileserviceclient currentuser coming null, when popup shown , correctly entered credentials.

any ideas of can make work smoothly? examples can follow somewhere? documentation seems sketchy.

i'm using yeoman , angular generator along grunt work, if makes difference.

i able figure out. created new service handle of mobile services code. since methods client async, i'm using callbacks in methods. use cookie store save user's credential object (currentuser) , pull out again when needed. currentuser seems lose user credential object between calls, store in cookie , push client when has lost it.

'use strict';  angular.module('{appname}') .factory('azuremobileclient', ['$cookiestore', function ($cookiestore) {    var azuremobileclient = {};   azuremobileclient.isloggedin = false;   azuremobileclient.azureerror = "";   azuremobileclient.azuremsc = new windowsazure.mobileserviceclient('{app url azure}', '{app key azure}');    azuremobileclient.login = function(callback, socialmediaservice) {      azuremobileclient.azuremsc.login(socialmediaservice).then(function(user) {       azuremobileclient.isloggedin = user != null;       $cookiestore.put("azureuser", user);       callback(azuremobileclient.isloggedin);     }     , function(error){       alert(error);        azuremobileclient.azureerror = error;     });   };    azuremobileclient.logout = function() {     azuremobileclient.getuser();     azuremobileclient.azuremsc.logout();     $cookiestore.remove("azureuser");   };    azuremobileclient.getstuff = function(callback) {     azuremobileclient.getuser();      var stufftable = azuremobileclient.azuremsc.gettable("stuff"); {       callback(items);     });   };    azuremobileclient.addstuff = function(scope) {     azuremobileclient.getuser();     var stufftable = azuremobileclient.azuremsc.gettable("stuff");     stufftable.insert({ stuffname: scope.stuffname });   };    azuremobileclient.getuser = function() {     if (azuremobileclient.azuremsc.currentuser === null)     {       azuremobileclient.azuremsc.currentuser = $cookiestore.get("azureuser");     }   };    return azuremobileclient; }]); 

in controller login , logout, this:

'use strict';  angular.module('{appname}') .controller('mainctrl', function ($scope, $window, azuremobileclient) {      $scope.authenticate = function (socialservice) {          azuremobileclient.login(function(isloggedin) {             if (isloggedin)             {                 $window.location.href = "/#/play";             }         }, socialservice);     };      $scope.signout = function() {                azuremobileclient.logout();     } }); 

the view login/logout controller looks this:

<button ng-click="signout()">sign out</button>  <div class="span4">         <img src="images/facebooklogin.png" ng-click="authenticate('facebook')" />         <img src="images/twitterlogin.png" ng-click="authenticate('twitter')" />         <img src="images/googlelogin.png" ng-click="authenticate('google')" />     </div> 

and in controller gets data, this:

'use strict';  angular.module('{appname}') .controller('stuffctrl', ['$scope', '$window', 'azuremobileclient', function ($scope, $window, azuremobileclient) {      azuremobileclient.getstuff(function(items) {          if (items.length == 0)         {             $window.location.href = "/#/stuff/new";         }         else         {             $scope.$apply($scope.items = items);         }         }); }]); 


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