ruby on rails - Convert hash of hash into Single hash -

my code this

@logs= {-1=>{""=>{:source=>1, :time=>0, :skipped=>0, :mysql=>0, :es=>1}}} @logs.each_pair { |user_id , user_content|   user_content.each_pair { |kwd , ser_content.each_pair { |kwd , kwd_content|   h=kwd_content }}   h={:time_taken=>0, :skipped_count=>0, :mysql_count=>0, :es_count=>1, :source_count=>1} 

it takes time way please me

if looking total hash values of values of values of hash:

@logs = {-1=>{""=>{:source=>1, :time=>0, :skipped=>0, :mysql=>0, :es=>1}}, -2=>{""=>{:source=>1, :time=>0, :skipped=>0, :mysql=>0, :es=>1}}} # last part h ={|i|i.values}.flatten.inject{|memo, el| memo.merge( el ){|k, old_v, new_v| old_v + new_v}} 

would result in following value of h:

=> {:source=>2, :time=>0, :skipped=>0, :mysql=>0, :es=>2} 


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