jruby - How can Rails have different csrf tokens at different times? -


in product, rails seems have different csrf tokens on different page visits, thought there 1 csrf token per session. misunderstanding how rails' csrf token works? or situation?

some contextual information: website war running within tomcat. part of code runs on rails via jruby-rack (please don't ask why ;) it's i've got).


for situation i'm in, manually added debugging code in rail's csrf code. changed verified_request? method this:

  def verified_request?     logger.info "printing info `verified_request?` ..."     logger.info "\trequest_forgery_protection_token = #{request_forgery_protection_token}"     logger.info "\tform_authenticity_token = #{form_authenticity_token}"     logger.info "\tparams[request_forgery_protection_token] = #{params[request_forgery_protection_token]}"     logger.info "\trequest.headers['x-csrf-token'] = #{request.headers['x-csrf-token']}"     logger.info     !protect_against_forgery? || request.get? ||       form_authenticity_token == params[request_forgery_protection_token] ||       form_authenticity_token == request.headers['x-csrf-token']   end 

below log output. important part 'form_authenticity_token' different @ different times (but repeat @ times). doesn't make sense me because form_authenticity_token function returns same thing every single session.

printing info `verified_request?` ...     request_forgery_protection_token = authenticity_token     form_authenticity_token = wmpfnom8s1z0tlfedjrpwkowygna/k21skgrolp2dmy=     params[request_forgery_protection_token] =      request.headers['x-csrf-token'] =   printing info `verified_request?` ...     request_forgery_protection_token = authenticity_token     form_authenticity_token = vigs5kkogvte7sq+fprsowiwujjng8y2wptqqeshcy0=     params[request_forgery_protection_token] =      request.headers['x-csrf-token'] =   printing info `verified_request?` ...     request_forgery_protection_token = authenticity_token     form_authenticity_token = lbpcrphpuyyiyfcs30jonz+vqosqg1vkbbpojl07dne=     params[request_forgery_protection_token] =      request.headers['x-csrf-token'] = vigs5kkogvte7sq+fprsowiwujjng8y2wptqqeshcy0=  printing info `verified_request?` ...     request_forgery_protection_token = authenticity_token     form_authenticity_token = wmpfnom8s1z0tlfedjrpwkowygna/k21skgrolp2dmy=     params[request_forgery_protection_token] = vigs5kkogvte7sq+fprsowiwujjng8y2wptqqeshcy0=     request.headers['x-csrf-token'] =  

it turns out running multiple processes of jruby and using memory caching. meant each process had different session. returned having 1 process of jruby.


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