javascript - Basic AI in Node.js/Socket.IO -

i'm creating small game in node.js/ , need advice on creating ai. code have below real quick example came it's fast player doesn't see enemy move on client-side. on right lines approach or there better way should doing it?


var random;  setinterval(function() {     random = math.round(math.random() * 200);     move(random, random);     console.log("moving player"); }, 10000)  var move = function(targetx, targety) {     if (x < targetx) {         while (x < targetx) {             x++;             sendnewcoordinates(x, y);         }     } else if (x > targetx) {         while (x > targetx) {             x--;             sendnewcoordinates(x, y);         }     } else if (y < targety) {         while (y < targetx) {             y++;             sendnewcoordinates(x, y);         }     } else if (y > targety) {         while (y > targetx) {             y--;             sendnewcoordinates(x, y);         }     } };  var sendnewcoordinates = function(newx, newy) {     socket.sockets.emit("move enemy", {x: newx, y: newy}); }; 

that's pretty ai! randomizing interval between movements easy, common technique things this. im curious , love try whatever making! 1 thing aware of though, make sure ai not too good.

one other thing implement in code have ai "aim" point away target. eg:

var move = function(targetx + randomx, targety + randomy) 

you can use position of target before moved predict heading.

var xchange = (targetx2 - targetx1)/(timeinterval1); var ychange = (targety2 - targety1)/(timeinterval1); var move = function(targetx + xchange * timeinterval2, targety + ychange * timeinterval2) 

where timeinterval1 time interval between 2 of targets positions , timeinterval2 time interval between current position , next position.

the key not making ai hard player though. ;)


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