java - Problems with threads -

i'm newer threads , need fix error me?

sorry fault have do:

this web application must execute 1000 games , show output results.

my apologize again.


/**  *   * automatic agent play 1000 games  *   */ public class autoplayer implements runnable {      private requestdispatcher requestdispatcher;      public autoplayer(requestdispatcher requestdispatcher) {     this.requestdispatcher = requestdispatcher;     }       public static void main(string[] args) {      hashmap<string, game> games = new hashmap<string, game>();      requestdispatcher rd = new requestdispatcher(games);      vector<thread> threads = new vector<thread>();      (int = 0; < 10; i++) {         autoplayer autoplayer = new autoplayer(rd);         thread thread = new thread(autoplayer);         threads.add(thread);         thread.start();     }      (int = 0; < threads.size(); i++) {         try {         threads.get(i).join();         } catch (interruptedexception e) {         e.printstacktrace();         }     }      }        @override     public void run() {      playresponse response = null;      (int = 0; < 1000; i++) {         byte[] numbers = requestdispatcher.cardrequest();          try {         response = new playresponse();         requestdispatcher.process("lucky", 10, numbers, response);         } catch (unknowngameexception e) {         e.printstacktrace();         }          if (response != null) {         system.out.println("[" + thread.currentthread() + "] total requests:" + requestdispatcher.generatedcards);         }     }     }  }    public class game {      private string name;     private int gamesplayed;      public string getname() {     return name;     }      public void setname(string name) { = name;     }      public int getgamesplayed() {     return gamesplayed;     }      public void setgamesplayed(int gamesplayed) {     this.gamesplayed = gamesplayed;     }  }    /**  *   * response play request  *   */ public class playresponse {      private boolean error;     private long win;      public boolean iserror() {         return error;     }     public void seterror(boolean error) {         this.error = error;     }     public long getwin() {         return win;     }     public void setwin(long win) { = win;     }  }     /**  *   * object processes play requests, calculates outcomes , returns results.  *   */ public class requestdispatcher {      list<string> list = arrays.aslist("lucky", "happy", "extra");      final int card_size = 15;      public string game_unavailable = "error: game not available";      map<string, game> games;      long generatedcards;      logger logger = logger.getlogger(getclass().getname());      random r = new random();      public requestdispatcher(hashmap<string, game> games) { = games;      }      public byte[] cardrequest() {     byte[] result = createcard();     generatedcards++;      return result;     }      private byte[] createcard() {      byte[] result = new byte[card_size];      r.nextbytes(result);      return result;     }      public void process(string s, int i, byte[] bb, playresponse pr0) throws unknowngameexception {      if (!list.contains(s)) {         logger.log(level.severe, game_unavailable);         throw new unknowngameexception(game_unavailable);     }      game game = games.get(s);      if (game != null) {         game.setgamesplayed(game.getgamesplayed() + 1);     } else {         game g = new game();         g.setname(s);         games.put(s, g);         g.setgamesplayed(0);     }      pr0.setwin(r.nextint(3) * i);     pr0.seterror(false);      } }   public class unknowngameexception extends exception {      private static final long serialversionuid = 2380720995275983122l;      public unknowngameexception(string s) {     super(s);     } } 

the code creates 10 threads in main. each thread plays 1000 games in run. gives total of 10 * 1000 = 10000 games.

to change number of games change numbers.


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