ibm mobilefirst - Unable to build Worklight project for "test" server (JDBC error) -
hello worklight team , devs!
we done working on our development project , works fine in local dev server (tomcat). trying build project deployed testing nd 8.0.3 server. we've been following manual in infocenter , modified each required file needed ( , application-descriptor.xml)
we made changes file: # http or https publicworklightprotocol=http # default port leave empty publicworklightport=ourport publicworklightcontext=/worklight wl.db.type=db2 wl.db.url=jdbc:db2:worklight wl.db.username=wluser wl.db.password=passwd
we tested jdbc source in console , works perfectly. proceed build war, adapter , wlapp (all) , error:
[2013-05-21 12:48:44] fwlse4001w: failed resolve jndi name: "jdbc/worklightds". application may fail access database in runtime. if building remote server - ignore warning. [2013-05-21 12:48:44] fwlst0011e: ====== worklight project bpmworklight-project-customization failed start: need specify class name in environment or system property, or applet parameter, or in application resource file: java.naming.factory.initial [2013-05-21 12:48:44] activation failed. bundle didn't start:c:pathto\bpmworklight-customization.jar
this happens in developer workstation , if install studio in server, jdbc source created, same happens. guess worklight trying "obtain" jdbc source in tomcat not was, building was, build fails , no files changed after error. no build executed.
we tried execute build.xml ant in studio error:
buildfile: c:\users\primary user\ibm\worklight\lis_samplecollection\bpmworklight\build.xml build failed c:\pathtofile\bpmworklight\build.xml:3: cannot find ../../common.xml imported c:\pathtofile\bpmworklight\build.xml total time: 62 milliseconds
you're appreciated! lot!!
nicolas e.
if require deploy updated-for-was .war file in websphere, don't need build operation in worklight. after updating file under server\ folder in worklight studio (the eclipse plug-in), .war file automatically being re-created.
the build operation creating binaries , deploying worklight server (database) (again, when using eclipse plug-in).
so suggest to:
- first update application-descriptor.xml context root value in worklightserverrooturl, , keep .wlapps on side
- update , save them.
now have app ready deploy , .war file ready deploy.
- move was, deploy .war file
- hopefully things work now, can load worklight console , deploy .wlapp , .adapter files.
i don't know you've read in ibm information center, can try going on following training module ibm worklight getting started.
- the above not convenient, way move development environment staging environment, or application server...
- the issue might happen after following steps above, , indicate real issue in db2 declaration in
i update answer tomorrow insight regarding possible db2 declaration issue.
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