rdf - GML strings in Turtle -
i trying use ogc geosparql vocabulary in turtle file. here fragment:
:spatialextent geosparql:geometry; geosparql:asgml "<gml:polygon srsname="epsg:28992"><gml:exterior><gml:linearring><gml:poslist srsdimension="2">97372 487153 97372 580407 149636 580407 149636 487153 97372 487153</gml:poslist></gml:linearring></gml:exterior></gml:polygon>"^^geosparql:gmlliteral; .
this notation rejected online rdf validator use: http://www.rdfabout.com/demo/validator/, on account of double quotes, e.g. "epsg:28992". can resolved changing double quotes single quotes. think not invalidate gml. i'd rather keep double quotes because way gml generated.
in rdf/xml solution use cdata block, (example geosparql document. yes, it's wkt same principle applies):
<sf:polygon rdf:about="http://example.org/applicationschema#aexactgeom"> <geo:aswkt rdf:datatype= "http://www.opengis.net/ont/geosparql#wktliteral"> <![cdata[<http://www.opengis.net/def/crs/ogc/1.3/crs84> polygon((-83.6 34.1, -83.2 34.1, -83.2 34.5,-83.6 34.5, -83.6 34.1))]]> </geo:aswkt> </sf:polygon>
is there way such thing in turtle? or there other ways of handling case this?
thanks in advance!
just escape offending characters, replacing "
:spatialextent geosparql:geometry; geosparql:asgml "<gml:polygon srsname=\"epsg:28992\"><gml:exterior><gml:linearring><gml:poslist srsdimension=\"2\">97372 487153 97372 580407 149636 580407 149636 487153 97372 487153</gml:poslist></gml:linearring></gml:exterior></gml:polygon>"^^geosparql:gmlliteral; .
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