javascript - SCRIPT65535: Invalid calling object in IE9 -
i new javascript. facing issue in else written code. have created security.js file , trying overwrite xmlhttprequest (am not sure). attaching code here.
(function () { function getxhrobj(baseobj){ var impl = function(){ this.onreadystatechange = null; return this; }; //impl.prototype.onreadystatechange = null; // set prototype of new constructor impl.prototype = baseobj; //impl.prototype.constructor = impl; // not work in ie // object returned var retobj = new impl(); function ishttpreq(url){ if(url){ var colindx = url.indexof('://'); if((colindx < 0) || (url.substr(0, colindx).tolowercase().indexof('http') == 0)) return true; } return false; } // customize open add token in url // post request should since post may not have key=value&... data format = function(method, url, async, user, pwd){ if(ishttpreq(url)){ var prefix = (url.indexof('?') < 0)? '?' : '&'; url += (prefix + window.csrftoken); } //alert('making ajax - ' + url);, url, async, user, pwd); }; // customize send retobj.send = function(body){ /* register handler before "send" allow reuse of same object */ impl.prototype.onreadystatechange = function(){ //alert('impl.prototype.readystate- '+ impl.prototype.readystate); // copy properties return object if(impl.prototype.readystate) retobj.readystate = impl.prototype.readystate; if(impl.prototype.readystate == 4){ if(impl.prototype.status) retobj.status = impl.prototype.status; if(impl.prototype.statustext) retobj.statustext = impl.prototype.statustext; if(impl.prototype.responsetext) retobj.responsetext = impl.prototype.responsetext; if(impl.prototype.responsexml) retobj.responsexml = impl.prototype.responsexml; //alert('xml done'); } // publish event return object handler if(retobj.onreadystatechange){ //alert('invoking handler - \n' + retobj.onreadystatechange); retobj.onreadystatechange(); }else{ //alert('no handler'); } }; impl.prototype.send(body); }; // delegate other methods /* redefinition necessary because ie not allow inheritance native objects */ retobj.abort = function() { impl.prototype.abort(); }; retobj.setrequestheader = function(hdr, val){ impl.prototype.setrequestheader(hdr, val); }; retobj.getresponseheader = function(hdr){ return impl.prototype.getresponseheader(hdr); }; retobj.getallresponseheaders = function(){ return impl.prototype.getallresponseheaders(); }; return retobj; } // redefine xmlttprequest use custom definition if(window.xmlhttprequest){ var base_xmlhttprequest = window.xmlhttprequest; window.xmlhttprequest = function(){ //alert('in new xhr'); return getxhrobj(new base_xmlhttprequest()); }; } // redefine activexobject use custom definition if(window.activexobject) { var base_activexobject = window.activexobject; window.activexobject = function(objtype){ //alert('in new activexobj - ' + objtype); if((objtype.tolowercase() != "microsoft.xmlhttp") &&(objtype.tolowercase().indexof("msxml2.xmlhttp") < 0)){ // return standard impl non-ajax objects return new base_activexobject(objtype); }else{`enter code here` //alert('returning new impl ' + objtype); return getxhrobj(new base_activexobject(objtype)); } }; } })();
this code working fine in ie7 & 8, giving error in other browsers. ie9 error -
script65535: invalid calling object security.js, line 71 character 4
error pointing this.onreadystatechange = null;
var impl = function(){ this.onreadystatechange = null; return this; };
appreciate immediate help. thanks!
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