ldap - Why does VBScript fail with a “Type mismatch" error? -

i experiencing difficulty following vbs

set conn = createobject("adodb.connection") conn.provider = "adsdsoobject" conn.open "ads provider"  strquerydl = "<ldap://company.address.com/cn=address>;(&(objectcategory=person)(objectclass=user));distinguishedname,adspath;subtree" set objcmd = createobject("adodb.command") objcmd.activeconnection = conn objcmd.properties("searchscope") = 2 ' want search objcmd.properties("page size") = 500 ' , want our records in lots of 500   objcmd.commandtext = strquerydl set objrs = objcmd.execute  while not objrs.eof  wscript.echo objrs.fields("distinguishedname") ' objrs.fields("distinguishedname")' objrs.movenext  wend 

please me, started vbscripting , answer in website.

wscript.echo objrs.fields("distinguishedname") 

the error above line/code. how display out field or convert display?

ldap://company.address.com/cn=address not valid ldap url (see here). search base must distinguished name, e.g.:


the distinguished name of domain (dc=address,dc=com) can obtained this:

set rootdse = getobject("ldap://rootdse") wscript.echo rootdse.get("defaultnamingcontext") 


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