r - save data, code together? -
i reading in file in spss format (.por), cleaning in r , exporting clean .csv file. possible save code using read/clean/export data save along data? in other words, want able load datafile @ later point , able recall how created.
if want console, here's hack:
foo<-attributes(myfunc)$srcref write.table(as.character(foo),'myfunc.txt')
edit: answer paul's question, here's output 1 of 'toys' . elements of each row (one element per pair of quotation marks) tab-separated.
"x" "1" "function(x, numdig=3, na.rm=true,printit=true)" "2" "{" "3" " x<-as.vector(x)" "4" " if (na.rm) x <- x[!is.na(x)]" "5" " skewx<-theskew(x)" "6" " kurtosisx<-thekurt(x)" "7" " #allstats<-list(min=min(x), max=max(x), mean=mean(x), median=median(x),sdev=sd(x), skew=theskew(x), kurtosis=thekurt(x))" "8" " #looks nicer w/ dataframe rather pure list" "9" " allstats<-data.frame(cbind(min=min(x), max=max(x), mean=mean(x), median=median(x),sdev=sd(x), skew=theskew(x), kurtosis=thekurt(x)),row.names='')" "10" " #too long 1 line" "11" " if(printit)" "12" " {" "13" " print(format(allstats[1:4],digits=numdig))" "14" " print(format(allstats[5:7],digits=numdig))" "15" " }" "16" " return(invisible(allstats))" "17" " }"
i have not tried find console hack convert text function code, bet simple gsub('"','',textobject[,2])
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