cmake - cpack component level install -
for example cmakelists.txt attached cmake wiki. added below actual make command create component based tgz. confused , not seeing in documents.
cmake_minimum_required(version 2.6.0 fatal_error) project(mylib) if(cmake_install_prefix_initialized_to_default) set(cmake_install_prefix "/usr" cache path "install path prefix prepended on install directories." force) endif(cmake_install_prefix_initialized_to_default) set(cpack_package_name "mylib") set(cpack_package_vendor "") set(cpack_package_description_summary "mylib - cpack component installation example") set(cpack_package_version "1.0.0") set(cpack_package_version_major "1") set(cpack_package_version_minor "0") set(cpack_package_version_patch "0") set(cpack_package_install_directory "cpack component example") add_library(mylib mylib.cpp) add_executable(mylibapp mylibapp.cpp) target_link_libraries(mylibapp mylib) install(targets mylib archive destination lib component libraries) install(targets mylibapp runtime destination bin component applications) install(files mylib.h destination include component headers) set(cpack_components_all applications libraries headers) set(cpack_component_applications_display_name "mylib application") set(cpack_component_libraries_display_name "libraries") set(cpack_component_headers_display_name "c++ headers") set(cpack_component_applications_description "an extremely useful application makes use of mylib") set(cpack_component_libraries_description "static libraries used build programs mylib") set(cpack_component_headers_description "c/c++ header files use mylib") set(cpack_generator "tgz") set(cpack_archive_component_install on) set(cpack_include_toplevel_directory off) set(cpack_component_include_toplevel_directory off) set(cpack_set_destdir on) set(cpack_package_contact "jhf") # must last! include(cpack)
i have similar cmakelists.txt , when make package
, end getting binaries , libraries in tgz. should make package command if need tgz application component above cmakelists.txt?
take @ cpackcomponent.
i have same question you.
i'm beginner cmake, , today i've try whole day on this, noticed cmake module named cpackcomponent begins appeared in cmake 2.8.5 standard modules.
for now, haven't made sure whether reason yet. variables in documents listed can found in module.
cmake 2.8.5 earliest version contained cpackcomponent in standard modules.
have check @
and cmake 2.8.8 earliest version listed variables want. e.g. cpack_components_all
over here
i'm sorry i'm newbie too, not more.
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