symfony - Symfony2 Twig custom filter in asset -

i'm new in symfony2 , have little question:

i'm developing email template, has txt , html parts (no problem it)

the 'problem' have absolute paths of assets in twig.

inside email.html.twig file have this:

<img src="{{ asset('images/my-image.png') }}" alt="my image" /> writes route relative path.

i discovered little solution add absolute paths, this:

{% set abs = app.request.scheme ~  '://' ~ %} <img src="{{ abs ~ asset('images/my-image.png') }}" alt="my image" /> 

it works! want improve solution , learn create custom filters (i read documentation, got bit lost)

i want create this:

<img src="{{ asset('images/my-image.png' | absolute) }}" alt="my image" /> 

but don't know how override assetics extension. can me?

thanks lot!!

well, little hard copy paste solution can make short cookbook can go step step , yourself:

1) have implement assetic/filter/filterinterface

2) if @ filterinterface class, see have to implement 2 methods: filterload , filterdump.

so, this:

<?php  namespace you\yourbundle\assetic\filter;  use assetic\asset\assetinterface; use assetic\filter\filterinterface;  class yourasseticfilter implements filterinterface {      public function filterload(assetinterface $asset)     {            //      }       public function filterdump(assetinterface $asset)     {         $content = $asset->getcontent();          //          $asset->setcontent($content);     }   } 

and after this, have similar registering twig extensions in services.yml in yourbundle. sure, depens if use yml, xml... configuration. use yml type in yml :)

parameters:     your_bundle.class: you\yourbundle\assetic\filter\yourasseticfilter  services:     your_bundle.assetic.your_assetic_filter:         class: %your_bundle.class%         tags:             - { name: assetic.filter }             - { alias: yourchosennameforyournewasseticfilter } 

and call | yourchosennameforyournewasseticfilter, of course.


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