java - Accessing Browser using RegistryEdit -

i accessing ie gui when default browser not set.that time accessing ie (when ie not default browser) using path in regisryedit software\\microsoft\\windows\\shell\\associations\\urlassociations\\http\\userchoice. ie launching gui when default browser not set. in windows xp using software\classes\http\shell\open\command not working? path correct.

1)software\\microsoft\\windows\\shell\\associations\\urlassociations\\http\\userchoice--progid ie.http in windows 7

2)software\\classes\\http\\shell\\open\\command---nothing shown windows 7.

what should access ie(when not set default)from windows xp.

you can read path here:

hkey_local_machine\software\microsoft\windows\currentversion\app paths\iexplore.exe 

the ie installed path stored in 'path' value of key.


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