Staying Browser File after submitting - PHP -

<? $img=""; $comment=""; if(isset($_post['save']))    {     $e="0";     $comment=trim($_post['comment']);     if($comment=="")     {        $sel5="<--enter ur opinon";        $e="5";        $code5="";     }     if($_files['photo']['name']=="")     {        $sel6="<--select photo";        $e="6";        $code6="";     }     else     {        $rand=rand().time();        $photo_name=$_files['photo']['name'];        $photo_tmp_name=$_files['photo']['tmp_name'];        $photo_name1=explode(".",$photo_name);        list($width,$height) = getimagesize($photo_tmp_name);        if($photo_name1[1]=="jpeg"||$photo_name1[1]=="jpg"||$photo_name1[1]=="gif")        {          if($width<=365)          {             $img="1";             $photo_name1=$photo_name[0].$rand.".".$photo_name[1];             move_uploaded_file($photo_tmp_name,"images/{$photo_name1}");          }          else          {               $sz1="";             $e="7";             $sz_err="not perfect size";             $code6="";            }      }      else      {         $sz2="";         $e="8";         $sz_err="not correct type";         $code6="";      }        }      if($e==0)      {         $suc="success";         $comment="";      }      } ?>  <html> <body> <style type="text/css" > .message{color: red; font-weight:bold; } .error{border:1px solid red; }         </style>             <table>             <tr>             <td>verdict of sport</td>             <td>             <textarea name="comment" cols="40" rows="6" <? if(isset($code5))             {echo "class=error" ;} ?>> <? echo $comment; ?>             </textarea>             </td>             <td><? if(isset($sel5)){ echo "<p class='message'>".$sel5."</p>"; }?>             </td>             </tr>             <tr>             <td>your picture</td>             <td <?php if(isset($code6)) {echo "class=error" ;} ?>>             <input type="file" name="photo" value="<? if($img==="1") { echo $photo_name; } ?>"/>             </td>             <td>             <? if(isset($sel6)){ echo "<p class='message'>".$sel6."</p>"; }?>             <? if(isset($sz1)){ echo "<p class='message'>".$sz_err."</p>";}?>             <? if(isset($sz2)){ echo "<p class='message'>".$sz_err."</p>";}?>             </td>     </tr>     <tr>     <td colspan="3" align="center">     <input type="submit" name="save" /><?=$suc;?>     </td>     </tr>             </table>             </body>             </html> 

this program working correctly. when enter verdict of sport , click save, shows select photo , have entered/typed showing in verdict of sport.
without entering verdict of sport, select photo-->click 'save', shows 'enter ur opinon'. and have selected photo disappear.

so need solution browsed file should not disappear when 'save'.

there simpler way deal image uploads. try‎

that being said, trying do? want upload image , show right?. have have block src set path of file.


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