facebook - how to upload image with feed using FB.api method -
we using fb api
post feed on facebook.
my code -
if (response.authresponse) { var data = { name: "link apply", picture: 'http://www.hrgp.biz/uploads/companyfortesting_499/notesreminders/2608chemtec-logo.jpg', link: "http://www.hrgp.biz/bc0efdb3-f1a7-4d81-9635-d1418e808b6d.aspx", // go here if user click picture description: "thank you" } fb.api('me/feed', 'post', data, function (response) { if (!response || response.error) { alert(json.stringify(response.error)); } else { //alert('post id: ' + response.id); alert('feed posted successfully.'); } }); } }, { scope: 'email,user_likes,publish_actions,publish_stream,read_stream,photo_upload' });
this code works i’m having issues picture. doesn’t show in post.
how can resolve issue? or please tell me if problem code.
thank you..!!!
please refer what minimum width , height of facebook open graph images?.
the ratio of both height divided width , width divided height (w/h, h/w) cannot exceed 3.0.
your photo, http://www.hrgp.biz/uploads/companyfortesting_499/notesreminders/2608chemtec-logo.jpg, 250/65 = 3.84615384615 exceed maximum ratio:
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