c# - Baffling IndexOutOfBoundsArray Exception -
can 1 of fine folks tell me possibly causing c# method throw indexoutofbounds exception? appreciated.
public bool populatestudents(string path) //decided return bool if successful reading file. { thestudentlist = new list<student>(); //create instance.. string text = null; fileinfo source = new fileinfo(@path); bool success = true; try { streamreader r = source.opentext(); text = r.readline(); string[] splittext = new string[23]; student currentstudent = new student(); while (text != null) { splittext = text.split(','); currentstudent = new student(splittext[0], splittext[1], splittext[2]); (int = 0; < 20; += 2) { currentstudent.entergrade(int.parse(splittext[i + 3]), int.parse(splittext[i + 4])); } currentstudent.calgrade(); thestudentlist.add(currentstudent); text = r.readline(); } r.close(); } catch (exception exc) { success = false; console.writeline(exc.message); } return success; }
sample input file:
0199911,bill,gates,27,30,56,60,0,30,83,100,57,60,0,30,59,60,0,30,59,60,88,100 0199912,steve,jobs,30,30,55,60,25,30,70,100,55,60,25,30,50,60,0,30,58,60,80,100 0199913,marc,andresen,30,30,55,60,25,30,70,100,55,60,25,30,50,60,0,30,58,60,80,100 0199914,larry,ellisen,30,30,55,60,25,30,70,100,55,60,25,30,50,60,0,30,58,60,80,100
edit: of answers great , appreciated, turns out had empty blank space @ end of text file. point out responses provided fix problem if keep blank space @ end. :)
whenever read line less 23 commas. empty line in end.
you should do
if (splittext.length<24) { warnlogordosomethingelse(text); continue; }
immediately after
splittext = text.split(',');
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