mongodb - ReactiveMongo 0.9: Joda Datetime Implicit Conversion for Macros.handler -

i have case class joda datetime field:

case domainpositiondata(domain: string, position: int, change: option[int], date:datetime) 

trying use macro generate reader&writer:

implicit val domposformat = macros.handler[domainpositiondata] 

i got:

implicit org.joda.time.datetime 'value date' not found 

but haven't found info how implement own implicit convertor.

looking @ source code existing handlers, try create implicit conversion (not tested):

import org.joda.time.datetime  implicit object bsondatetimehandler extends bsonhandler[bsondatetime, datetime] {   def read(time: bsondatetime) = new datetime(time.value)   def write(jdtime: datetime) = bsondatetime(jdtime.getmillis) } 


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