Java virtual Machine implementation iadd microcommand improvization -
wanna ask question of our computer structure exam here sure. below add command of mic-1 ijvm. asked write new iaddtriple
command add 3 top words of stack , store on stack again.
iadd1 mar = sp = sp − 1; rd read in next-to-top word on stack iadd2 h = tos h = top of stack iadd3 mdr = tos = mdr + h;wr;go main1 add 2 top words, write top of stack
my answer ;
iaddtriple1 mar = sp = sp − 1; rd iaddtriple2 h = tos h = iaddtriple3 h = mdr = tos = mdr + h iaddtriple4 mar = sp = sp − 1; iaddtriple5 mdr = tos = mdr + h ; wr;go main1
i want ask if iaddtriple3
step legal. 1 of friends told me h=blabla +h
assignment should illegal shouldn't used. time diagram of data path cycle proves me right. in advance.
iaddtriple3 h = mdr = tos = mdr + h
it possible perform
h = h + mdr
since h can specified in c-bus bits, alu operation + b, b register mdr. actual microinstruction
the first 2 hex digits numbers, third hex digit 0 or 8.
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