iis 7 - IIS 7 + Windows Server 2008 - Sending Emails from Classic ASP using CDO -

on our existing platform decided upgrade our development server windows server 2003 2008 time ago.

the problem facing asp scripts used send emails before when had windows server 2003 worked. now, stopped working no error on page or on smtp logs.

if use telnet send email manually works fine.

but it's not working our classic asp scripts.

this our asp code

sub sendemail(fromemail, toemail, ccemail, bccemail, subject, body, somefiles)     set m_mailer = server.createobject("cdo.message")      m_mailer.configuration.fields       .item("http://schemas.microsoft.com/cdo/configuration/sendusing") = 1       .item("http://schemas.microsoft.com/cdo/configuration/smptserver") = request.servervariables("server_name")       .item("http://schemas.microsoft.com/cdo/configuration/smtpserverpickupdirectory")=smtp_server_pickup_directory       .update     end      if m_characterset <> ""       m_mailer.bodypart.charset = m_characterset     end if      m_mailer.to = toemail     m_mailer.cc = ccemail     m_mailer.bcc = bccemail     m_mailer.from = fromemail     m_mailer.replyto = fromemail     m_mailer.subject = subject     if m_usehtmlformat       m_mailer.htmlbody   = fixtext(body)     else       m_mailer.textbody   = fixtext(body)     end if      dim     somefiles = split(somefiles, vbtab)     = 0 ubound(somefiles)         m_mailer.addattachment(somefiles(i))     next         m_mailer.send end sub 

i've checked permissions on mailroot folder , iis user has full control. i've set relay, , gave iis user access smtp well.

when use telnet on log , receive email correctly.

but when using test script don't email, stay stuck on pickup folder

dim emailer  set emailer = new emailhelper emailer.sendemail "test@test.com", "fede@shocklogic.com", "", "", "test 1 2 3 " & request.servervariables("http_host"), "test...", ""  set emailer = nothing  response.write "done" 

when try execute test script "done" on page, no email.

smtp installed , enabled.

any great

found solution! (at least works me)

i removed line


and configured smtp in iis 7 console use localhost instead of pickup directory , works perfect now!


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