javascript - Jquery file inclusion issue -

developing application visual studio 2010

i new jquery.

i trying include jquery file online (from google)

for have written as:

<script type="text/javascript" src="//"></script> 

here highlighting src attribute green text showing tool tip that:

// not found. 

if write as:

<script src="//"></script> 

it shows me error tooptip that:

element 'script' missing required attribute 'type' 

but actual way in refered line on different sites.

i have refered addess different sites.

is address wrong? or

i have written in wrong way?

please me.

protocol-less paths inherit protocol of current document when opened in browser, work when page opened through http/https protocols.

therefore assume vs interprets protocol-less path local one, not found.

you can check cdn url correct opening link directly through either http/https protocols:

as type attribute, see why write <script type=“text/javascript”> when mime type set server?

in sum, browsers since netscape 2 default script tags javascript, long server sends correct mime work fine. however, wouldn't validate under w3c's html4 mode. in html5, valid omit type attribute commented @elclanrs.


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