c# - SocketAsync, can't reconnect to server -

i have problem socketasync application, have server, , client (the code below), communication works great except when server application closed, client cant reconnect. if restart client, no problem @ all, connect again, has restarted. question how can modify code, reconnect without restarting application self.

this connection code!

    public client()     {         try         {              this.ip = ini.getfromini("config", "ip");             this.port = ini.getfromini("config", "port");             data = new byte[60000];             receivebuffer = new byte[60000];              this.hostendpoint = new ipendpoint(ipaddress.parse(this.ip), convert.toint32(port));             this.clientsocket = new socket(this.hostendpoint.addressfamily, sockettype.stream, protocoltype.tcp);             // instantiates endpoint , socket.              starttimer = new system.timers.timer();             starttimer.elapsed += new elapsedeventhandler(startsendloop);             starttimer.interval = 1000;             starttimer.start();             sendtimer = new system.timers.timer();             sendtimer.elapsed += new elapsedeventhandler(sendloop);             sendtimer.interval = 500;             sendtimer.start();          }         catch (exception e)         {         }     }         public void startsendloop(object sender, elapsedeventargs e)     {         try         {             starttimer.interval = 10000;             starttimer.enabled = false;             if (!this.clientsocket.connected)             {                 this.hostendpoint = new ipendpoint(ipaddress.parse(this.ip), convert.toint32(port));                 this.clientsocket = new socket(this.hostendpoint.addressfamily, sockettype.stream, protocoltype.tcp);                  if (connectargs != null)                     connectargs.dispose();                 connectargs = new socketasynceventargs();                  connectargs.usertoken = this.clientsocket;                 connectargs.remoteendpoint = this.hostendpoint;                 connectargs.completed += new eventhandler<socketasynceventargs>(onconnect);                  clientsocket.connectasync(connectargs);                 bool test = autoconnectevent.waitone(5000);                  gotdata = true;                 lasttime = datetime.now;              }             starttimer.enabled = true;         }         catch (exception ex)         {             messagebox.show(ex.tostring());         }     } 


more code if wants see it... not directly linked connection.

    private void onconnect(object sender, socketasynceventargs e)     {          autoconnectevent.set();          // set flag socket connected.         this.connected = (e.socketerror == socketerror.success);     }      private void onsend(object sender, socketasynceventargs e)     {         // signals end of send.         sendsuccess = true;         autosendreceiveevents[receiveoperation].set();          if (e.socketerror == socketerror.success)         {             if (e.lastoperation == socketasyncoperation.send)             {                 // prepare receiving.                 //socket s = e.usertoken socket;                  (int = 0; < receivebuffer.length; i++)                 {                     if (receivebuffer[i] != 0)                         receivebuffer[i] = 0;                     else                         break;                 }                 e.setbuffer(receivebuffer, 0, receivebuffer.length);                 e.completed += new eventhandler<socketasynceventargs>(onreceive);                 clientsocket.receiveasync(e);                 //sendloop();             }         }         else         {             this.processerror(e);         }     }      private void onreceive(object sender, socketasynceventargs e)     {         try         {             while (true)             {                 if (this.canreceive)                 {                      canreceive = false;                     string stringdata;                     int recv = 0;                      (int = 0; < e.buffer.length; i++)                     {                         if (e.buffer[i] != 0)                             recv++;                         else                             break;                     }                      if (recv > 0)                     {                         console.writeline(recv.tostring());                         int count = 0;                         (int = 0; < data.length; i++)                         {                             if (data[i] != 0)                                 count++;                             else                                 break;                         }                          e.buffer.copyto(data, count);                         //currentdata = encoding.utf8.getstring(e.buffer, 0, recv);                         lasttime = datetime.now;                         gotdata = true;                         if ((byte)data[count + recv - 1] == (byte)255)                         {                             int cnt = -1;                             (int = 0; < count + recv; i++)                             {                                 if (data[i] == (byte)254)                                 {                                     cnt = i;                                     break;                                 }                             }                             int nr = (count + recv) - cnt - 2;                             byte[] tmp = new byte[nr];                              (int = 0; < nr; i++)                             {                                 tmp[i] = data[cnt + + 1];                             }                             string crc = encoding.default.getstring(tmp);                             stringdata = encoding.default.getstring(data, 0, cnt);                             msgstruct msgs = new msgstruct(stringdata);                             msgs.setcrc(crc);                             todo.add(msgs);                             (int = 0; < data.length; i++)                             {                                 if (data[i] != 0)                                     data[i] = 0;                                 else                                     break;                             }                             allreadygot = false;                             handletodo();                              // signals end of receive.                          }                      }                     autosendreceiveevents[sendoperation].set();                     socket s = e.usertoken socket;                     canreceive = true;                     break;                 }                 else                 {                     thread.sleep(10);                 }             }         }         catch (exception ex)         {             canreceive = true;         }      }      private void processerror(socketasynceventargs e)     {         socket s = e.usertoken socket;         if (s.connected)         {             // close socket associated client             try             {                 s.shutdown(socketshutdown.both);             }             catch (exception)             {                 // throws if client process has closed             }                         {                 if (s.connected)                 {                     s.close();                 }             }         }          // throw socketexception         //throw new socketexception((int32)e.socketerror);     }      public void sendloop(object sender, elapsedeventargs e)     {          try         {             if (this.clientsocket.connected)             {                 sendtimer.enabled = false;                  bool waitextra = false;                  datetime tmpdate = lasttime.addseconds(30);                 if (datetime.now > tmpdate && tmpdate != datetime.minvalue)                 {                     gotdata = false;                 }                  if(sendsuccess)                 {                     canusebuffert = false;                     if (msghand.gotmsg() && data[0] == 0)                     {                         if (msghand.getnextmsg() != null && msghand.getnextmsg().getmsg().length != 0)                         {                             byte[] ba = encoding.default.getbytes(msghand.getnextmsg().getmsg());                              if (msghand.getnextmsg().getcrc() == "")                             {                                 ulong tmp = crc.calc_crc(ba, ba.length);                                 msghand.getnextmsg().setcrc(tmp.tostring("x"));                             }                              if (msghand.getnextmsg().cansendbytimeout())                             {                                 string crcstr = "?" + msghand.getnextmsg().getcrc() + "?";                                 byte[] bb = encoding.default.getbytes(crcstr);                                 crcstr = encoding.default.getstring(bb);                                 byte[] fullmsg = new byte[ba.length + bb.length];                                 bb[0] = 254;                                 bb[bb.length - 1] = 255;                                  ba.copyto(fullmsg, 0);                                 bb.copyto(fullmsg, ba.length);                                 string s = system.text.encoding.default.getstring(fullmsg);                                  completeargs = new socketasynceventargs();                                 completeargs.setbuffer(fullmsg, 0, fullmsg.length);                                 completeargs.usertoken = this.clientsocket;                                 completeargs.remoteendpoint = this.hostendpoint;                                 completeargs.completed += new eventhandler<socketasynceventargs>(onsend);                                 sendsuccess = false;                                 // start sending asyncronally.                                 clientsocket.sendasync(completeargs);                                  // wait send/receive completed.                                 //autoresetevent.waitall(autosendreceiveevents);                                  // return data socketasynceventargs buffer.                                 //stm.write(fullmsg, 0, fullmsg.length);                                  if (!msghand.getnextmsg().isackneeded())                                     msghand.removenextmsgs();                             }                         }                     }                     else                     {                          waitextra = true;                         byte[] bba = encoding.default.getbytes("x");                         completeargs = new socketasynceventargs();                         completeargs.setbuffer(bba, 0, bba.length);                         completeargs.usertoken = this.clientsocket;                         completeargs.remoteendpoint = this.hostendpoint;                         completeargs.completed += new eventhandler<socketasynceventargs>(onsend);                         sendsuccess = false; //dessa ska in även den andra applikationen                         // start sending asyncronally.                         clientsocket.sendasync(completeargs);                          // wait send/receive completed.                         //autoresetevent.waitall(autosendreceiveevents);                     }                 }                 canusebuffert = true;                 //if (!clientsocket.connected && !gotdata)                     //disconnect();              }              sendtimer.enabled = true;         }         catch (exception ex)         {             system.diagnostics.debug.writeline(ex.tostring());             sendtimer.enabled = true;         }     }      internal void disconnect()     {          clientsocket.disconnect(true);     }      public void dispose()     {         autoconnectevent.close();         autosendreceiveevents[sendoperation].close();         autosendreceiveevents[receiveoperation].close();         if (this.clientsocket.connected)         {             this.clientsocket.close();         }     }     public void handletodo()     {          //handle msg     } 


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