Converting String List into Int List in SQL -

i have nvarchar(max) in stored procedure contains list of int values, did it not possible pass int list stored procedure, but, getting problem datatype int , want compare list of string. there way around can same?

---myquerry----where status in (@statuslist) 

but statuslist contains string values not int, how convert them int?


use [database] go set ansi_nulls on go set quoted_identifier on go   alter procedure [dbo].[sp] ( @fromdate datetime = 0, @todate datetime = 0, @id int=0, @list nvarchar(max) //this list has string ids// ) 

as set fmtonly off; declare @sql nvarchar(max), @paramlist nvarchar(max)

set @sql    = 'select ------ , code in(@xlist)   , -------------' select @paramlist = '@xfromdate datetime,@xtodate datetime,@xid int,@xlist nvarchar(max)'  exec sp_executesql @sql, @paramlist,  @xfromdate = @fromdate ,@xtodate=@todate,@xid=@id,@xlist=@list print @sql 

so when implement function splits not able specify charcter or delimiter not accepting (@list,',').

or (','+@list+',').

it possible send int list stored procedure using xml parameters. way don't have tackle problem anymore , better , more clean solution.

have @ question: passing array of parameters stored procedure

or check code project:

however if insist on doing way use function:

create function [dbo].[fnstringlist2table] (     @list varchar(max) ) returns  @parsedlist table (     item int ) begin     declare @item varchar(800), @pos int      set @list = ltrim(rtrim(@list))+ ','     set @pos = charindex(',', @list, 1)      while @pos > 0     begin         set @item = ltrim(rtrim(left(@list, @pos - 1)))         if @item <> ''         begin             insert @parsedlist (item)              values (cast(@item int))         end         set @list = right(@list, len(@list) - @pos)         set @pos = charindex(',', @list, 1)     end      return end 

call this:

select      *        table status in (select * fnstringlist2table(@statuslist)) 


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