apache - Java FTPClient listFiles return empty result with unicode path -

i tried list ftp server , have encoding problem

ftpclient.listfiles(string path) method

its returns empty array if path has non-latin characters.

(also using server python , perl scripts in unicode - , there havent problems this)

please solve problem.

this method connection debug output:

  public static ftpclient ftpconnect(string host, string login, string password) throws ioexception {      ftpclient ftp = new ftpclient();      ftpclientconfig config = new ftpclientconfig();     ftp.configure(config);      debug(ftp.getreplystring());     debug("connected " + host + ".");      ftp.connect(host);     debug(ftp.getreplystring());      debug("set passive transfer mode");     ftp.enterlocalpassivemode();     debug(ftp.getreplystring());      debug("login " + host + ".");      ftp.login(login, password);     debug(ftp.getreplystring());      int reply;      ftp.setcontrolencoding("utf-8");     ftp.setautodetectutf8(true);     ftp.setfiletype(ftpclient.binary_file_type);      debug("set binary transfer mode");     debug(ftp.getreplystring());      debug("buffer size = " + ftp.getbuffersize());      // after connection attempt, should check reply code verify     // success.     reply = ftp.getreplycode();      if (!ftpreply.ispositivecompletion(reply)) {         ftp.disconnect();         debug("ftp server refused connection.");         throw new ioexception("ftp server refused connection.");     }      return ftp; } 

here connection output:

  connected ftp.server.com.   220 ftp server    220 ftp server    login ftp.server.com.   230 login successful.    set binary transfer mode   200 switching binary mode.    set passive transfer mode   200 switching binary mode.    buffer size = 1024 

here examples:

   string source = "/english_name/Новая_папка12";   // non_latin path     string escaped_source = stringescapeutils.escapejava(source);     ftpfile[] file_list = ftp.listfiles(escaped_source);   // empty    file_list = ftp.listfiles(escaped_source + '/');       // empty     file_list = ftp.listfiles(source);                     // empty      file_list = ftp.listfiles('"' + source + '"');         // empty    file_list = ftp.listfiles(source + '/');               // empty       file_list = ftp.listfiles("/english_name");            // ok, path  

i hope answer, resolved issue day myself =) hope useful someone.

solution is:

    string encoded = new string(utf8_path.getbytes("utf-8"), "iso-8859-1");     ftpfile[] file_list = ftp.listfiles(encoded);       // win! 


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