maven - file aren't copied to WEB-INF/ -

when run clean install goals on maven, spring-servlet.xml not copied in war. it's not true, copy myapp.war/web-inf/classes/spring-servlet.xml, want there : myapp.war/web-inf/

i found problem come bad pom.xml configuration, tried severals things, unsucessfull :(

pom.xml :

<build>     <resources>          <resource>             <directory>src/main/resources</directory>             <filtering>true</filtering>         </resource>          <resource>             <directory>src/main/webapp/web-inf</directory>             <filtering>true</filtering>         </resource>       </resources>        <plugins>         <plugin>             <groupid>org.apache.maven.plugins</groupid>             <artifactid>maven-resources-plugin</artifactid>             <version>2.4.2</version>             <configuration>                 <delimiters>                     <delimiter>${*}</delimiter><!-- keep default behavior -->                     <delimiter>@</delimiter><!-- add ant-like tokens style -->                 </delimiters>             </configuration>         </plugin>          <!-- définit le répertoire source de la webapp à la racine du projet et              avec comme nom le nom de l'artifact -->         <plugin>             <artifactid>maven-war-plugin</artifactid>             <version>2.0.2</version>             <configuration>                 <warsourcedirectory>it-nouveauprojet</warsourcedirectory>                 <webxml>${basedir}/src/main/webapp/web-inf/web.xml</webxml>                 <manifest>                     <adddefaultimplementationentries>true</adddefaultimplementationentries>                 </manifest>                 <archive>                     <manifestentries>                         <specification-title>${}</specification-title>                         <specification-version>${project.version}</specification-version>                         <implementation-environment>${projet.environnement}</implementation-environment>                         <buildnumber>${buildnumber}</buildnumber>                     </manifestentries>                 </archive>             </configuration>         </plugin>                    </build> 

my web.xml copied right, want same thing spring-servlet.xml , other files in webapp/web-inf/ folder, though maven war plugin copy files in webapp/web-inf/ root folder of war.

did miss ?


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