celery - ImportError: No module named dateutil -

i trying follow example in "first steps celery" document. have installed celery using pip.

i created file called tasks.py in ~/python/celery, , contains following:

from celery import celery  celery = celery('tasks', broker='amqp://guest@localhost//')  @celery.task def add(x, y):     return x + y 

i started worker using celery -a tasks worker --loglevel=info while in ~/python/celery directory, , seems running.

in separate terminal window, launched python , ran following:

from tasks import add add.delay(4, 4) 

i error: file "/library/python/2.7/site-packages/celery/utils/timeutils.py", line 17, in dateutil import tz importerror: no module named dateutil

how install dateutils? listed installed module when type "pip freeze"


that's strange, since can see installed pip.

i've run pip freeze | grep date , here's get:


is response similar? having run following:

$ python >>> import dateutil >>> help(dateutil) 

i told dateutil module installed in /system/library/frameworks/python.framework/versions/2.7/extras/lib/python/dateutil/__init__.py (os x). check python install make sure nothing went wrong. there shouldn't need install separately, perhaps use pip uninstall reinstall


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