javascript - Jquery countdown timer that doesn't reset on page refresh -

i need one. using vassilis dourdounis jquery plugin, , have created countdown timer hides link on complete. restarts whenever page refreshed, , shouldn't, should finish count , disappear. can anypne help, please?

this jquery:

/*!  * jquery countdown plugin v1.0  *  *  * copyright 2010, vassilis dourdounis  *   * permission hereby granted, free of charge, person obtaining copy  * of software , associated documentation files (the "software"), deal  * in software without restriction, including without limitation rights  * use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell  * copies of software, , permit persons whom software  * furnished so, subject following conditions:  *   * above copyright notice , permission notice shall included in  * copies or substantial portions of software.  *   * software provided "as is", without warranty of kind, express or  * implied, including not limited warranties of merchantability,  * fitness particular purpose , noninfringement. in no event shall  * authors or copyright holders liable claim, damages or other  * liability, whether in action of contract, tort or otherwise, arising from,  * out of or in connection software or use or other dealings in  * software.  */ (function($){      $.fn.countdown = function (options) {          config = {};          $.extend(config, options);          diffsecs = this.setcountdown(config);          if (config.oncomplete)         {             $.data($(this)[0], 'callback', config.oncomplete);         }         if (config.omitweeks)         {             $.data($(this)[0], 'omitweeks', config.omitweeks);         }          $('#' + $(this).attr('id') + ' .digit').html('<div class="top"></div><div class="bottom"></div>');         $(this).docountdown($(this).attr('id'), diffsecs, 500);          return this;      };      $.fn.stopcountdown = function () {         cleartimeout($.data(this[0], 'timer'));     };      $.fn.startcountdown = function () {         this.docountdown($(this).attr('id'),$.data(this[0], 'diffsecs'), 500);     };      $.fn.setcountdown = function (options) {         var targettime = new date();          if (options.targetdate)         {             targettime = new date(options.targetdate.month + '/' + + '/' + options.targetdate.year + ' ' + options.targetdate.hour + ':' + options.targetdate.min + ':' + options.targetdate.sec + (options.targetdate.utc ? ' utc' : ''));         }         else if (options.targetoffset)         {             targettime.setfullyear(options.targetoffset.year + targettime.getfullyear());             targettime.setmonth(options.targetoffset.month + targettime.getmonth());             targettime.setdate( + targettime.getdate());             targettime.sethours(options.targetoffset.hour + targettime.gethours());             targettime.setminutes(options.targetoffset.min + targettime.getminutes());             targettime.setseconds(options.targetoffset.sec + targettime.getseconds());         }          var nowtime = new date();          diffsecs = math.floor((targettime.valueof()-nowtime.valueof())/1000);          $.data(this[0], 'diffsecs', diffsecs);          return diffsecs;     };      $.fn.docountdown = function (id, diffsecs, duration) {         $this = $('#' + id);         if (diffsecs <= 0)         {             diffsecs = 0;             if ($.data($this[0], 'timer'))             {                 cleartimeout($.data($this[0], 'timer'));             }         }          secs = diffsecs % 60;         mins = math.floor(diffsecs/60)%60;         hours = math.floor(diffsecs/60/60)%24;         if ($.data($this[0], 'omitweeks') == true)         {             days = math.floor(diffsecs/60/60/24);             weeks = math.floor(diffsecs/60/60/24/7);         }         else          {             days = math.floor(diffsecs/60/60/24)%7;             weeks = math.floor(diffsecs/60/60/24/7);         }          $this.dashchangeto(id, 'seconds_dash', secs, duration ? duration : 800);         $this.dashchangeto(id, 'minutes_dash', mins, duration ? duration : 1200);         $this.dashchangeto(id, 'hours_dash', hours, duration ? duration : 1200);         $this.dashchangeto(id, 'days_dash', days, duration ? duration : 1200);         $this.dashchangeto(id, 'weeks_dash', weeks, duration ? duration : 1200);          $.data($this[0], 'diffsecs', diffsecs);         if (diffsecs > 0)         {             e = $this;             t = settimeout(function() { e.docountdown(id, diffsecs-1) } , 1000);             $.data(e[0], 'timer', t);         }          else if (cb = $.data($this[0], 'callback'))          {             $.data($this[0], 'callback')();         }      };      $.fn.dashchangeto = function(id, dash, n, duration) {           $this = $('#' + id);            (var i=($this.find('.' + dash + ' .digit').length-1); i>=0; i--)           {                 var d = n%10;                 n = (n - d) / 10;                 $this.digitchangeto('#' + $this.attr('id') + ' .' + dash + ' .digit:eq('+i+')', d, duration);           }     };      $.fn.digitchangeto = function (digit, n, duration) {         if (!duration)         {             duration = 800;         }         if ($(digit + '').html() != n + '')         {              $(digit + '').css({'display': 'none'});             $(digit + '').html((n ? n : '0')).slidedown(duration);              $(digit + ' div.bottom').animate({'height': ''}, duration, function() {                 $(digit + ' div.bottom').html($(digit + '').html());                 $(digit + ' div.bottom').css({'display': 'block', 'height': ''});                 $(digit + '').hide().slideup(10);               });         }     };  })(jquery); 

this html code:

<!doctype html public "-//w3c//dtd xhtml 1.0 transitional//en" ""> <html xmlns="" xml:lang="en" lang="en"> <head>     <script language="javascript" type="text/javascript" src="js/jquery-1.4.1.js"></script>     <script language="javascript" type="text/javascript" src="js/jquery.lwtcountdown-1.0.js"></script>     <script language="javascript" type="text/javascript" src="js/jquery.cookie.js"></script>     <script language="javascript" type="text/javascript" src="js/misc.js"></script>     <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="style/main.css"></link>     <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />      <title>test</title> </head>  <body>      <div id="container">     <h2>offer</h2>     <img src="images/top.png" style="float:left;padding-left:15px;">         <div id="top_offer">                 <p>register , special bonuses!</p>             </div>         <!-- countdown dashboard start -->         <div id="countdown_dashboard">                <div class="dash minutes_dash">                 <span class="dash_title"></span>                 <div class="digit">0</div>                 <div class="digit">0</div>             </div>              <div class="dash seconds_dash">                 <span class="dash_title"></span>                 <div class="digit">0</div>                 <div class="digit">0</div>             </div>          </div>         <!-- countdown dashboard end -->           <div class="info_message" id="complete_info_message">             <a href="" target="_blank"> <img src="images/offer.png" /> <p>klikni ovde ► </p></a>         </div>          <script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">             // set countdown jquery(document).ready(function() {     $('#countdown_dashboard').countdown({         targetoffset: {             'day':      0,             'month':    0,             'year':     0,             'hour':     0,             'min':      0,             'sec':      60         },          // oncomplete function         oncomplete: function() { $('#container').slideup() }     }); });         </script>      </div> </body>  </html> 

thank you!

are sure called

$.cookie('mytimeout', count, {     expires: 7,     path: '/' } 

try putting in oncomplete function


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