How to produce this html table in -
i need convert classic asp app old asp uses hardcoded html table results. unsure how same in .net.
i need produce grid look.
section heading name:p smith address: 12 road age: 22 new section heading job num: 24 dept: sales new section heading insurance num: 93939 next of kin: j smith
each section has seperate dataset using it's own stored procedure. 1 record returned each dataset each section.
i tried repeater , details list control, unable required.
any & code appreciated.
you need 3 different controls 3 different bindings. have render single html table, if that's want do. repeater should work since can control html pretty repeater. roughly...
<table> <asp:repeater ...> <headertemplate> <tr><th colspan="2">section heading</th></tr> </headertemplate> <itemtemplate> </tr><td>name</td> <td><%#databinder.eval(container, "")%></td></tr> // etc... </itemtemplate> </asp:repeater> <asp:repeater ...> <headertemplate> <tr><th colspan="2">section heading</th></tr> </headertemplate> <itemtemplate> <tr><td>name</td> <td><%#databinder.eval(container, "")%></td></tr> // etc... </itemtemplate> </asp:repeater> // repeat using repeaters , outputting rows , close table tag. </table>
then can style th cells want distinguish them td cells.
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