java - Graphics will not cover entire canvas -

where happening? know: canvas displayed properly, due yellow. however, graphics not cover canvas completely, nor law class recognized past end of black area...

so causing happen? , how draw on undrawable section of canvas(yellow part), or should implement graphics way?

edit: ui class creates canvas , buffer, graphics class takes on , starts drawing on them, reason cannot in yellow section, nor law class handles collision red cube , walls of app, regogize yellow area valid place go. through same variables dimensions, used everywhere.

main class

package app;  public class main {      static final int x = 1024;     static final int y = 680;     static final int sanic = 10;     int fps = 0;     int frames = 0;     long totaltime = 0;     long curtime = system.currenttimemillis();     long lasttime = curtime;     static int[] pos;     graphics graphics;     law physics;     static int status;     boolean holdstate;      public main() {         pos = new int[5];         pos[1] = x;         pos[2] = y;     }      public void launch() {         // audio sound = new audio();         graphics = new graphics();         physics = new law();         graphics.draw();         //;         handle();     }      public void update() {         graphics.cache();         physics.check();         graphics.render();         try {             thread.sleep(10);         } catch (exception e) {         } {             graphics.dump();         }     }      public void handle() {         while (!isover()) {             if (!ispaused()) {                 update();             }         }     }      boolean isover() {         if (status == 1) {             status = 0;             return true;         }         return false;     }      boolean ispaused() {         if (status == 2) {             status = 0;             if (!holdstate) {                 holdstate = true;                 pos[3] = pos[1];                 pos[4] = pos[2];             } else if (holdstate) {                 holdstate = false;                 pos[1] = pos[3];                 pos[2] = pos[4];             }         }         return holdstate;     }      public static void main(string[] args) {         main game = new main();         game.launch();      } } 

ui class

package app;  import java.awt.*; import java.awt.image.*; import; import javax.swing.*;  public class ui extends main {      jframe mainwin;     canvas wall;     url pic;     toolkit kit;     image img;     bufferstrategy buffer;     graphics2d shell;     graphics2d ball;      public ui() {         mainwin = new jframe("game");         wall = new canvas();         wall.addkeylistener(new input());     }      void draw() {         frame();         icon();         canvas();         show();         prep();     }      void frame() {         mainwin.setdefaultcloseoperation(jframe.exit_on_close);         mainwin.setbackground(;         mainwin.setignorerepaint(true);     }      void icon() {         pic = classloader.getsystemresource("res/app.png");         kit = toolkit.getdefaulttoolkit();         img = kit.createimage(pic);         mainwin.seticonimage(img);      }      void canvas() {         wall.setbackground(color.yellow);         wall.setignorerepaint(true);         wall.setbounds(0, 0, x, y);     }      void show() {         mainwin.add(wall);         mainwin.pack();         mainwin.setresizable(false);         mainwin.setlocationrelativeto(null);         mainwin.setvisible(true);     }      void prep() {         wall.createbufferstrategy(2);         buffer = wall.getbufferstrategy();     } } 

graphics class

    package app;      import java.awt.*;      public class graphics extends ui {     public void render() {         mask();         player();         fps();;     }      void cache() {         shell = (graphics2d) buffer.getdrawgraphics();         ball = (graphics2d) buffer.getdrawgraphics();     }      void dump() {         shell.dispose();         ball.dispose();     }      void mask() {         shell.setcolor(;         shell.fillrect(0, 0, x, y);     }      void fps() {         lasttime = curtime;         curtime = system.currenttimemillis();         totaltime += curtime - lasttime;         if (totaltime > 1000) {             totaltime -= 1000;             fps = frames;             frames = 0;         }         frames++;         shell.setcolor(;         shell.setfont(new font("courier new", font.plain, 12));         shell.drawstring(string.format("fps: %s", fps), 20, 20);     }        void player() {             ball.setcolor(;             ball.fillrect(pos[1], pos[2], 32, 32);         }     } 

law class

package app;  public class law extends main {      public void check() {         out();     }      void out() {         if (pos[1] < 0) {             pos[1] = 0;         }         if (pos[2] < 0) {             pos[2] = 0;         }         if (pos[1] > x - 32) {             pos[1] = x - 32;         }         if (pos[2] > y - 32) {             pos[2] = y - 32;         }     } } 

this bug frame#setresizable. don't ask me why, wants add 10 pixels width , height of frame.

the best solution know call setresizable before pack

void show() {     mainwin.add(wall);     mainwin.setresizable(false); // call me first     mainwin.pack();     mainwin.setlocationrelativeto(null);     mainwin.setvisible(true); } 


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