Cannot assign MAC address to Arduino uno Ethernet Shield -

i have been desesperately trying run ethernet > dhcpaddressprinter example on arduino uno mounted ethernet shield no effect, every time run it returns me error

failed configure ethernet using dhcp

i have tried sorts of things, disabling firewalls, resetting board/shield, in start gave me ip 1 time, switched off router , when turned on since cannot assign mac , ip ethernet shield.

does know how solve problem?

here sketch im trying run

/*   dhcp-based ip printer   sketch uses dhcp extensions ethernet library  ip address via dhcp , print address obtained.  using arduino wiznet ethernet shield.    circuit:  * ethernet shield attached pins 10, 11, 12, 13   created 12 april 2011  modified 9 apr 2012  tom igoe   */  #include <spi.h> #include <ethernet.h>  // enter mac address controller below. // newer ethernet shields have mac address printed on sticker on shield byte mac[] = {     0xde, 0xad, 0xbd, 0xef, 0xfe, 0xed  };  // initialize ethernet client library // ip address , port of server  // want connect (port 80 default http): ethernetclient client;  void setup() {  // open serial communications , wait port open:   serial.begin(9600);   // check needed on leonardo:    while (!serial) {     ; // wait serial port connect. needed leonardo   }    // start ethernet connection:   if (ethernet.begin(mac) == 0) {     serial.println("failed configure ethernet using dhcp");     // no point in carrying on, nothing forevermore:     for(;;)       ;   }   // print local ip address:   serial.print("my ip address: ");   (byte thisbyte = 0; thisbyte < 4; thisbyte++) {     // print value of each byte of ip address:     serial.print(ethernet.localip()[thisbyte], dec);     serial.print(".");    }   serial.println(); }  void loop() {  } 

does network connecting have dhcp server on it, routers set one. if not must assign static ip arduino.

this can done using ethernet libray

byte mac[] = { 0xde, 0xad, 0xbe, 0xef, 0xfe, 0xed }; ipaddress ip(192,168,0,177); // make sure in subnet of network ethernetclient client; ethernet.begin(mac, ip); 

it looks need print ip not every byte. ethernet.localip() documentation

// print local ip address:    serial.println(ethernet.localip()); 

also can try webserver example. , see if can navigate ip gets printed out in browser (hopefully not


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