Complex MySQL queries on data spread over multiple tables (PHP) -
i trying solve complex problem mysql , php.
here example of tables have:
list of clients:
table_clients client_id | client_name | address | zip code | ----------|-------------|-----------------|----------| 1 | mark | 127 park ave | 12235 | 2 | john | 6 freeman drive | 12899 | 3 | allan | 450 clever rd | 12235 |
list of services:
table_services service_id | service_name | service_price | -----------|--------------|---------------| 1 | fertilizer | 100.00 | 2 | bug spray | 50.00 | 3 | seeds | 20.00 |
next table stores client has services (one or more), status of service , date done, if applicable:
table_jobs job_id | client_id | service_id | status | date_done | -------|-----------|------------|--------|------------| 1 | 1 | 1 | done | 2013-05-01 | 2 | 1 | 3 | active | null | 3 | 2 | 1 | active | null | 4 | 2 | 2 | active | null | 5 | 3 | 1 | active | null | 6 | 3 | 3 | active | null |
now comes tricky part. services need have time difference others. example, 1 client can't receive seeds if received fertilizer in last 30 days. keep track of this, have third table information:
table_time_difference service_id_1 | service_id_2 | time_diff | -------------|--------------|-----------| 1 | 3 | 30d | 1 | 4 | 7d | 2 | 4 | 14d | 4 | 5 | 14d |
now stored in database (keep in mind there can dozens of services , thousands of clients), trying rows of clients have services or not, while respecting time difference.
for example:
i want client due receive fertilizer, should return:
client_id | client_name | zip code | job_id | service_id | service_name | ----------|-------------|----------|--------|------------|--------------| 2 | john | 12235 | 3 | 1 | fertilizer | 3 | allan | 12145 | 5 | 1 | fertilizer |
now if want clients due receive fertilizer , bug spray:
client_id | client_name | zip code | job_id | service_id | service_name | ----------|-------------|----------|--------|------------|--------------| 2 | john | 12235 | 3 | 1 | fertilizer | 2 | john | 12235 | 4 | 2 | bug spray |
and if want clients due receive seeds in zip code 12235:
client_id | client_name | zip code | job_id | service_id | service_name | ----------|-------------|----------|--------|------------|--------------| 3 | allan | 12235 | 6 | 3 | fertilizer |
notice how mark isn't included doesn't meet 30 days requirements since last fertilizer service.
i have tried many different options sorts of joins, never found solution work described. closest have gotten generating sub-queries php , them joining them in big query.
for example, 1 of attempts looked (for last expected result above):
select c.client_id, c.client_name, c.zip_code, j.job_id, s.service_id, s.service_name clients c left join jobs j on j.client_id = c.client_id left join services s on s.service_id = j.service_id s.service_id = "1" && c.zip_code = "12235" && c.client_id not in ( select client_id jobs status = "done" && date_done < (unix_timestamp() - 2592000) )
- note subquery has been generated php script lookup restrictions corresponding service requested , minimum time difference service since there can multiple restriction same service , don't know if can in pure sql.
now, query shown above work exact scenario (although slow), breaks , haven't been able adapt fit other needs (multiple services included or excluded).
tell me if need other information or if open discussing further.
thank has read through whole question (very long) , hope of understand needs , can me!
the following may of help:
this pull outstanding orders (without restrictions)
select * table_jobs t_job, table_services t_ser, table_clients t_cli t_job.client_id=t_cli.client_id , t_job.service_id=t_ser.service_id , t_job.status='active'
this should pull order have done orders restrictions time_diff should in days (ie remove d
select * (table_jobs t_job, table_services t_ser, table_clients t_cli) left join (table_time_difference t_dif, table_jobs t_ojobs) on ( , t_job.service_id=t_dif.service_id_1 , t_dif.service_id_2=t_ojob.service_id , t_ojobs.date_done > date_sub(curdate(), interval t_dif.time_diff day) , t_ojobs.status='done' ) t_job.client_id=t_cli.client_id , t_job.service_id=t_ser.service_id , t_job.status='active' , t_ojobs.job_id null
you can add additional parameters bug spray or zip code @ end, using t_job, t_ser or t_cli table names. (ie not t_ojobs or t_dif)
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