How to Display Exception In Grails? -
a have problem code. how can handle error service gsp? tried render service or controller, validation error occured during call save(): - field error in object 'talent.candidateprofile' on field 'core.db_email': rejected value []; codes full exception trace. sources:
def create() { [candidateprofileinstance: new candidateprofile(params)] } def save() { def candidateprofileinstance = new candidateprofile(params) if (! true)) { render(view: "create", model: [candidateprofileinstance: candidateprofileinstance]) return } flash.message = message(code: 'default.created.message', args: [message(code: 'candidateprofile.label', default: 'candidateprofile'),]) redirect(action: "show", id: }
my .gsp page code
<div class="full-filed"> <h3>email address:</h3> </div> <div class="fieldcontain ${haserrors(bean: candidateprofileinstance, field: 'core.db_email', 'error')} "> <label for="core.db_email" class="error_message"> <g:message code="candidateprofile.core.db_email.label" default="dbemail" /> </label> </div> <g:textfield name="core.db_email" value="" class="logintxtbox" placeholder="email address" />
i want show user error, not full exception trace
form config.grooypage
//grails.gorm.failonerror = true
just comment display custom error
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