ruby on rails - Problems with custom submit in FormBuilder -

i'm writing custom formbuilder, , don't understand why output of method below

def submit(label = "save changes", *args)   options = args.extract_options!   new_class = options[:class] || "btn btn-small btn-success"   @template.content_tag(:div, :class => "form-actions left")     @template.content_tag(:button, :class => new_class, :name => 'commit', :type => 'submit', :value => label)       @template.content_tag(:i, :class => 'icon-arrow-right icon-on-right')     end   end end 


<div class="form-actions left">     <button class="btn btn-small btn-success" name="commit" type="submit" value="salvar">          <i>{:class=&gt;&quot;icon-arrow-right icon-on-right&quot;}          </i>     </button> </div> 

especially "i" tag. how can fix it? thanks.

so if content_tag gets block, block result used content of tag. without block, second parameter content. want is

@template.content_tag(:i, nil, :class => 'icon-arrow-right icon-on-right') 


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