Do identity providers (Microsoft, Facebook, Twitter and Google) provide email addresses to web sites that use them for authentication? -
i writing mobile website hosted in windows azure.
i have list of users email addresses in database , looking @ how log in new website. new service existing users, not have website login.
i note azure supports using of following identity providers: microsoft account, facebook login, twitter login, google login.
i'd user identity providers (microsoft, facebook, twitter , google) authenticate people on website, useful me if identity providers provide me email address after authenticate. way can match them existing record in database.
will identity providers provide email addresses web sites use them authentication part of idp token?
if using acs, should email address claim google, yahoo, , maybe others - except live id/microsoft account.
with azure mobile services, don't believe user's email address. token identifies user, , use query identity provider's (e.g. google) api user's information. see
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